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SEND admissions

Most children with special educational needs attend mainstream schools. All mainstream schools in Tameside receive resources, training, and support in meeting the needs of children with special educational needs - including those who have a EHC Plan. The usual admissions route would therefore be followed and so please see our admission policy. 

If your child has significant additional needs you may wish to seek advice from your named lead professional or a Caseworker on 0161 342 4433. Pupils with an EHC Plan are not automatically entitled to assistance with home to school travel. Parents / carers therefore need to consider travel arrangements to and from school when they decide on their preferred school. Assistance with travel between home and school, where necessary, is subject to Tameside’s Transport Policy which can be found at: www.tameside.gov. uk/sen/transport/parents

 SENDIASS can provide advice and support to parents / carers as they are considering and / or speaking to the council about their preferred school.

If you require any further information, do not hestiate to contact Mr Chris Colvin (SENDCo) on 0161 330 1691 or chris.colvin@st-peters-ashton.tameside.sch.uk. 

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