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SEND Referral Process


St Peter's SEND approach

Wave 1

All children are entitled to "quality first teaching" including those with special educational needs or disabilities. This means daily practise at St Peter's aims to provide ALL children with what they need to make the best possible progress. This could mean:

  • General strategies eg differentiated work, clear lesson structures and expectations, varied approaches for visual and kinaesthetic needs, well organised classrooms and a clear plan for how adults will support, explicit expectations and modelling, careful positioning of children's seating
  • Specific strategies to support communication and interaction needs eg visual timetables, explicit "rules" of listening, clarity about how to get help, carefully chosen language, access to quiet areas
  • Specific strategies to support cognition and learning eg key vocabulary, pre-teaching, overlearning, links made between areas and sequences of learning, appropriate texts, overlays
  • Specific strategies to support social, emotional and mental health eg positive behaviour management, jobs and individual rewards, interactive strategies, choice where appropriate, timers
  • Specific strategies for sensory and physical needs eg resources as needed such as chairs, cushions, writing mats, a variety of recording approaches and materials

Wave 2

If, despite this support, assessments and teacher judgement show children are not progressing as we wish, they may receive further support. Additionally, parents or carers may raise their own worries about a child. School are keen to hear parent or carer views and may provide support in response to parent as well as teacher concerns. For example a programme of support in a group, one to one reading above the typical, speech work or individualised work beyond usual differentiation. School staff will always discuss any concerns and actions with parents or carers. Teachers discuss concerns with the SENDCo, possibly through an SEN referral form, or with school leaders during pupil progress meetings, and are supported to consider how to best plan and implement support for the child. The child may be added to the SEN register, with parental consent, placing them at wave 2 of the graduated process. The success of the support is reviewed regularly through pupil progress meetings as well as informal discussions, and support is altered, discontinued or increased as needed. This process provides a termly cycle of "assess, plan, do, review."

Wave 3

If a child is not making the progress we hoped, as part of the cycle of "assess, plan, do, review" we will increase support for them. At any point, if it is judged appropriate, we may discuss options and ask for parental consent for outside support. Outside agencies may include an educational psychologist, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist or physiotherapist, a behaviour support worker or advisory teacher. If a greater level of ongoing support is agreed to help the child, they move to wave 3 of the graduated process. This entails additional termly 4+1 SEN review meetings with the child's parent/carer as part of the cycle of assess, plan, do, review. We also formally gather the child's opinions on one page profiles, and at this point generally map their provision on individual plans. Additional outside support may be involved, different techniques and interventions trialled. Our "assess, plan, do, review" termly systems support ongoing responsiveness - to do as much as needed and whatever helps our children succeed. For a child at wave 3 for several cycles, we may consider applying for an education and health care plan (EHCP). An EHCP ensures long term support, funding and annual reviews for children.

A child may make good progress at wave 1, 2 or 3, and may move between "waves" in response to their needs.

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